Wife: honey can you plz help me cleaning the garden. Husband: do I look like a gardener? Wife: Ooh sorry honey, OK then fix the bathroom door….

The Unmatched Innocence of Little Children: A Glimpse into Pure Hearts”?
A little girl says to her mother: “Mummy, when you were away at work a strange lady came around”… “Not now,” says Mummy. “Wait until Daddy gets…

An Old Woman Was Walking Her Dog.
An old woman was walking her dog one evening when a young man snatched her purse and ran off. A couple across the street rushed over to…

A Teacher…
A teacher noticed that a little boy at the back of the class, was squirming around, scratching his crotch and not paying attention. She went back to…

Wife Calls A Husband.
Husband – “Yes.” ,, Wife – “Great! I am at the mall two blocks from where you are. I just saw a beautiful mink coat. It’s absolutely…